I mentioned at the beginning of the year that I am participating in the generous challenge set up by the Untreed Reads publisher, to read and review one of their titles each month. The deal is, I get a free book and agree to write an honest review about it. The last three months I chose stories that put murder mysteries in an interesting setting. In February, I chose Nightmare in Morocco, by Loretta Jackson and Vickie Britton. Check out my review on Goodreads here. In March, I devoured An Inconsequential Murder, by Rodolfo Peña. Check out my review on Goodreads here. And, in April, I went back in time with fellow Sisters in Crime member Kaye George's Death in the Time of Ice. My review is here. Have you read anything interesting lately? I love getting book recommendations!
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Beth Green
Beth is an American freelance writer who has lived in Europe and Asia since 2003. She grew up on a sailboat and, though now a landlubber, still enjoys a peripatetic life. She writes articles and suspense about travel, expatriate living, and many other topics. Archives
October 2015