It’s Booklust Wanderlust bookreview time again! This month over at The Displaced Nation, I reviewed Huan Hsu’s memoir THE PORCELAIN THIEF about searching for his family’s buried treasure in China. Hsu, the American-born child of Chinese immigrants, deals with culture shock, learns about the history of the porcelain industry and uncovers the details of a family legend.
Read more at the link:
It's summer! The best time to curl up with a cold book and a deep read. Recently, for Displaced Nation, I asked some authors and writerly friends to give me some ideas about their favorite beach books. The result? Two posts full of novels, memoirs and other adventures!
Take a look here at Part I, featuring Alli Sinclair (author of Luna Tango and a former Novel Adventurer), Brittani Sonnenberg (Home Leave), Christine Kling (The Shipwreck Adventure series), Heidi Noroozy (translator and a former Novel Adventurer). In Part II, we get recommendations from Mark Adams (author of Meet Me in Atlantis), Marianne C. Bohr (to-be-published Gap Year Girl), Shireen Jilla (The Art of Unpacking Your Life), me and my editor M.L. Awanohara. Happy reading! This time for my Booklust, Wanderlust column at The Displaced Nation, I interview the lovely author Shireen Jilla about her second novel, The Art of Unpacking Your Life. Set in the Kalahari, this book puts together a group of friends who were once best friends in university. Many thanks to Shireen for agreeing to the interview!
Read it here. In my latest Booklust, Wanderlust column for The Displaced Nation, we venture off in search of the lost city of Atlantis, with Mark Adams' Meet Me in Atlantis.
Read my review here. This month on Displaced Nation I take a look at Allen Kurzweil's globe-trotting memoir about the search for his childhood bully as an adult. Part thriller, part comedy and all too-crazy-to-be-fiction, WHIPPING BOY was a pleasure to read. Check out the full review here.
Click on the image above to go to this month's book review on The Displaced Nation. "Passionate Nomad" by Jane Fletcher Geniesse looks at the early life and development of hotshot wartime Middle East expert and lifelong adventurer Dame Freya Stark and is a gripping read.
![]() This week in my Booklust, Wanderlust column on The Displaced Nation, I review Peter Hessler's "Country Driving: A Chinese Road Trip." I loved old China hand Peter Hessler's books on his early years studying and working in the Middle Kingdom. "River Town" and "Oracle Bones" are detailed memoirs that were both good reads and a good primer for what to expect when I moved to China. "Country Driving" continues in Hessler's tradition of showing the small details of everyday Chinese peoples' lives to illustrate some of the bigger challenges facing the Middle Kingdom. Please stop by the site to take a look at my review and the dozens of other articles by The Displaced Nationers--international creatives. Happy reading! ![]() I'm excited to announce that today my first review as a columnist for The Displaced Nation is live! The Displaced Nation, which bills itself as "a home for international creatives," invited me to start a book column to review books on topics that would be of interest to their readership of long-time expats and adult "third culture kids." My first column looks at an engrossing series I recently finished, the Dublin Murder Squad books by Irish writer Tana French. Please stop by the site and check out my review, and the other great articles by Displaced Nationers! |
Beth Green
Beth is an American freelance writer who has lived in Europe and Asia since 2003. She grew up on a sailboat and, though now a landlubber, still enjoys a peripatetic life. She writes articles and suspense about travel, expatriate living, and many other topics. Archives
October 2015